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Equalising commuter traffic

mytraQ app helps escape the daily traffic jam

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The mytraQ app from the Freiburg-based software company highQ helps to equalise commuter traffic.

It is not just people and the environment that suffer from the daily grind of commuting, but companies as well – employees arrive at work already stressed or even late, and are less productive. A novel app promises to help remedy this situation.

“mytraQ” simplifies the daily commute with intelligent route recommendations based on an analysis of the needs of the company and the preferences of the employees. The digital solution is individually adapted to each company by highQ.

The goal is to create seamless connections from the front door to work and back again – via public transport, bicycle, on foot, in their own cars or as car pool passengers with colleagues. An integrated bonus system provides employees with additional motivation to make intelligent use of different modes of transport. “Sensible” commuting behaviour is rewarded with time miles, which can later be exchanged for bonuses. There is also a playful competition (“Time Miler of the Month”), so commuting can even be fun.

The development of myQommute is funded through the SB:Digital research project under the “Future of Work” programme. You can find more information here.

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